viernes, 1 de marzo de 2013

                            Patrick Henry

Was born in Virginia, on May 29 of l736.
When he was fifteen, he started working as a clerk. A year later he and his brother opened a store who failed. 
At his eighteen years old, he married Sarah Shelton who was two years younger than her and kind of wealthy with six slaves.

 He attempted to grow crops but it failed when in 1757 he is crops and house burned. He started reading law by influenced of his father, this would later help him when involucrate in politics. 

Henry led the opposition to the Stamp Act of 1765. 
After the Revolution Patrick Henry was known as one of the most influential champions of republicanism.

There is a variety of monuments and memorials of Patrick Henry, for its braveness, and courage not letting love behind, for his country.

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