domingo, 14 de abril de 2013

The treaties Indians made with USA

Fort Sanwix, 1784 and Hopewell in 1785
The Indians would exchange land and properties for peace, what a big prize they had to pay for something that should have no cost. After the war, a lot of Americans decided to live in Tennesse and Kentucky (about 10,000). and that is the reason why Indians allied with British.

When it comes to women during the war, there were a very few political and legal rights towards them, not much to admit. For example, when it came to voting, only widows could do it, and women were not allowed to own properties of any type. They were very limited to all, mostly the freedom of making their choices by theirselves. They were called Republican Mothers, and a good example of a woman in this period would be Abigail Adams, John Adams wife.

Abigail wrote to her husband asking him to NOT forget about to women to protect him, but of course, he ignored her.
Women before were very limited to all, voting, owning properties, freedom, making decisions, and lots of more things. 
The Indians had to suffer a lot when it comes to the treaty between them and the Americans, it is quite similar to some cases around the world where bad people like thieves or villains ask you to give something in exchange of peace. You should feel relief or safety, but it is not for free, and in some cases, people decide NOT to play their game, and often get killed or in another tragic way. Anyway, Indians did have courage, and were very persuasive. It is their patience and strength what made them go really far. 

viernes, 12 de abril de 2013

Changes for African Americans

In 1776, 1 of every 5 Americans were African ancestrys. British and loyalists called the Americans hypocrites and mocked them because, they did not understand how they dare to speak about liberty and freedom and they had slaves. Slaves were not allowed to read and write because they would know about fights and strategies.

Slaves were treated really badly, they were treated as if they could cause problems. Slaves asked for freedom and some got it.
5000 slaves joined the militia and the continental army.We could say after the revolution, African Americans partly had a a lot to do with ending racism. They would make people respect them, and respect their strengths no matter what their skin color was and perhaps people appreciate what the African Americans did. If they were to watch the world how it is now, they would be proud, and believe everything was worthy.

A lot of people wonder how the revolution inspired other groups...
Well personally i believe the Revolution gave courage to all those who were lacking of it, for example the slaves, the women the way the defended their country.
Everything remains in history, and people who were included in the American Revolution are nowadays known as heroes, cowards, good and evil people.
And thanks to History, we know who fight till he or she could, and who suffered, who got away, who died but who died as a hero too.

The American Crisis

The American Crisis

Written by the same author who wrote Common Sense, Thomas Paine who took an important role in the American revolution by transmiting his ideas in paper.  He who was an Enlightment philosopher and writter argued about independence from England. It is said that his first essay was so inspiring to George Washington that it was read to the troops at the Valley Forge on December 23 of 1776. Washinton knew that after the humiliation they had passed after loosing many battles and having 11,000 retiring by returning to their families, he needed some words that would rise their spirit. In my believe his words were truly important since it gave motivation for all those who fought for their freedom.

The American Crisis was written two years later after Thomas Paine arrival from England, but months before he wrote Common Sense. Paine wrote all this because of George Washington´s request which main use was to remind all this soldiers what they were fighting for. It was originally worked from 1773 through 1783, seems like it took some years to capture all the important ideas and to be edited. The first volume starts with this known words "These are the times that try men's souls" meaning that men demostrated in this revolution what they were capable of doing. On December 19 of 1776 the American was finally published.

Paine says that only God may have unlimited power making this relation to the British. He also states that God is in favor of those who fought for America since he won't abandon or let them perish to such military forces. Also the Americans don' t lack of force but the proper use of that force in their favor. Though this war isn't a piece of cake, the things that are worth fighting the most are never easy to obtain. The pursuit of happiness is one of the famous sayings at that time. Even at the end he thanks God because he doesn't feel fear since he sees the way out of all this.

QUOTE: “I love the man that smiles at trouble: that can gather strength from distress, and grow brave by reflection.” -Thomas Paine "The American Crisis"

Slavery in the American Revolution

Slavery in the American Revolution

As history has shown many years back in time, slaves have always existed as something ordinary usually dominated by wealthy people who had power. Found in many cultures such as egyptians, mayans, in this case british and americans that weren't the exception. The difference of slaves and normal men is that they are treated as a property meaning they lacked of freedom and could be sold so they had to do what the boss ordered. In some cases even men like George Washinton who were men of good had 317 slaves at their name, at the age of ten he inherit his first 11 slaves.

It was accepted as normal and applauded as a positive thing by many white Americans but never for black people. On June 19 of 1862 the congress prohibited the slavery in everywhere in the United States. This didn't made the ex-slaves citizens nor the planters were compensated. Planters took at first the iniciative to bring africans as slaves using them mainly at their tabacco plantations. Racism still persisted in a Massachusetts since their the law of 1786 that prohibited white people from legally marrying African Americans, Indians, or even people of mixed race. It was expensive to have slaves since you had to give them a roof, food and take care financially when they got sick. Oliver Ellsworth said it was cheaper to raise a slave than to bring it since the multiplied fastly.

There was a time when slaves had the option to fight and if they won, they would be set free. Around 5,000 slaves served in the Continental army during the Revolution. Some eight hundred slaves joined British forces, some wearing an emblem that said "Liberty to the Slaves." Thurgood Marshall was an important character since he was the first African American to sit on the Supreme Court. Benjamin Franklin who was a former slaveowner and Alexander Hamilton who was born in a slave colony became members of antislavery societies. Nowdays slavery still exists even though it isn't legal.

viernes, 15 de marzo de 2013

The Frontier War

The war  suddenly moved West.  and there was a colonel, George Rogers Clark, was a Patriot.
Kaskasia and Cohokia were captured
also, there were 175 soldiers on colonel George's army, so they had people and good support.  British responded and captured the fort at Vinunnes, Indiana. this happened after natives captured British posts. 

In late February of 1779, they reached Clark men who were working volnteers in Vincinnes. They covinced them to abandon the British so they recaptured their fort. But by the end of the war, patrots controlled all Ohio River Valley (1781)

In 1779 Native Americans attacked forts in New York City. The results of that were terrible, and 40 regions ended up burned. Instead of stopping, their attacks just continued. Major General John Sullivan was ordered by Washington to destroy the Iriquois 

jueves, 7 de marzo de 2013

The Patriots Strength

George Washington was a key for Patriots because of his knowledge and strategies. Washington sustained the Patriots by hardships.
It is undeniable that the Patriots were a small army, but committed as well. 
One good thing that helped the colonists have peace, was the fact that their wives approved the idea of them going to war, this as small as it seems, was extremely important to the family men, for they could fight and focus on their missions.

Wars are the main economic resource because things are so lack, they were being sold really expensively. This was called Profiteering.
Money was called the continental, and if farmers sold land to Patriots they would get paid with continentals, and if they sold the land to the British, they got paid with gold which was by far more important, but some farmers were loyal to the Patriots though. 

Deborah Sampson got paid to to serve with the military with a pension, and some women would even followed their husbands to wars and they helped cleaning, washing, and firing arms as well. 
Mary Hays, who was also known as Molly Pitcher, gave water to the soldiers at the wars. 

The British Make Mistakes

In the year of 1775, British did not take the Patriots as serious enemies, they knew very well the size of their empire, and the differences they had with Patriots.
in this year, a new commander, Lord William Howe ordered a frontal assault in the middle of the day in order for them to take the hill.
The British underestimated the Patriots, and did not think of them as enemies but as living proof of how powerful they could be. 
Patriots, in the other hand had a psychological victory, because they felt they had defeated the British. But truth was, British had won the war only because of the lack of ammunitions from the Patriots.

On January, 1776 there occurs a change of colonel, Henry K. arrives with reinforcement for the Patriots who were outside Boston. They pushed canons from New York to Boston, and on March of the same year, they get Boston back. 

viernes, 1 de marzo de 2013

                            Patrick Henry

Was born in Virginia, on May 29 of l736.
When he was fifteen, he started working as a clerk. A year later he and his brother opened a store who failed. 
At his eighteen years old, he married Sarah Shelton who was two years younger than her and kind of wealthy with six slaves.

 He attempted to grow crops but it failed when in 1757 he is crops and house burned. He started reading law by influenced of his father, this would later help him when involucrate in politics. 

Henry led the opposition to the Stamp Act of 1765. 
After the Revolution Patrick Henry was known as one of the most influential champions of republicanism.

There is a variety of monuments and memorials of Patrick Henry, for its braveness, and courage not letting love behind, for his country.

viernes, 8 de febrero de 2013

John Adams
He is one of the characters who plays an important role in the American RevolutionBorn on October 30, of 1735 in Massachusetts. Said to be a descendent of a puritian family. One of his six children, John Quincy, later becamed the sixth president of the United States following his trace. His wife, Abigail Smith supported him and even involucrated with politics. In his early years his was a farmer and served the militia before getting involved in politics. Through history he is well seen many times. Even his small efforts, for example when he deffended the soldiers who killed five persons in the Boston Massacre on March of 1770. He wanted all the britishs and colonist to have fair trials. Also was included in both Continental Congresses in 1774 and 1775 as delegate from Massachusetts. 

Nominated George Washington to be president of the United States of America after the Revolutionary War thinking South and North would agree with it. He assisted Thomas Jefferson in drafting the Declaration of Independence in 1776 and helped getting peace from Britain. In 1780 he wrote the Massachusetts Constitution. He was also the second president, after George Washington in 1796 winning with a difference of 3 votes only. He had Thomas Jefferson as his vice president but on that time the election system was different. The person with more votes was elected as the president and the second with more voted as the vice president.  

Adams was tried for re-election but this time lost with Thomas Jefferson. Later fixed his friendship with Jefferson. Then camed the Alien and Sedition Acts passed in John Adams government in 1798. These acts were not liked because it lead to arrests. Then Jefferson and James Madison wrote the Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions against them. This were repeled because it didn´t work. It is said that the Alien and Sedition Acts made him loose his re-election. Adams died in Quincy, Massachusetts on the fiftieth anniversary of American Independence, on July 4, of 1826 at his home. They say his last words were "Thomas Jefferson survives".

"I must study politics and war that my sons may have liberty to study mathematics and philosophy".

Thomas Jefferson

Born on April 13, of 1743. Grew up in Virginia and learned Greek, Latin and French. Later he studied law with George Wythe, the first American law professor. Jefferson served in the House of Burgesses for about 5 years. Did not like Britain's actions and was part of the Committee of Correspondence. Also was a member of the Continental Congress and through the years becamed a member of the Virginia House of Delegates. He was the Governor of Virginia during part of the Revolutionary War. When being a member of the second Continental Congress, he wrote the Declaration of Independence. He was sent to France as a minister after the war.

In 1800, Jefferson was the Republican candidate that ran against John Adams for who he had worked as Vice President. Later he came out as a candidate againts Burr and tied in the electoral vote which created a lot of controversy. Jefferson won 10 of 14 states in U.S.A. Jefferson was renominated 1804 but this time with George Clinton as his Vice President going against Charles Pinckney. For his fortune Jefferson could woned easily receiving 162 electoral votes and Pinckney's 14, the difference as seen is very remarkable.

Jefferson also bought Louisiana territory from France for $15 millions considered of great importance in his administration. In 1807 he signed the Embargo Act that stopped them from exporting and importing goods. Thomas thought this would have the effect of hurting the trade in France and Great Britain but for his misfortune it hurted the American trade specially. He died on the 15th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence in July 4, of 1826. Rarely, this was the same day as John Adams. What an strange coincidence.


"When the people fear their government, there is tyranny, when the government fears the people, there is liberty."

The battle of Lexington and Concord 

In April 19, of 1775, General Thomas Gage sent troops to capture Samuel Adams and John Hancock. This was because he found out they had their arms stockpiled. When this happened they could not capture both of them because a friend of theirs, Paul Revere had come in horse and warned them of what was coming so they left. The troops Thomas sent, took the arms. Later after the fight the british found out they had escaped.
Militia are full time farmers and part time soldiers. At the time of the battle these gathered at Lexington Green and were ready for war. 

There also were the minute men who were ready to fight in about a minute, this was a great dissavantage for the enemies because they had more time to put thereself in a good position to attack. In terms of being ready is to be changed, with weapons and a mentality to attack strongly. They were told to leave but, a shot was fired. It is very important to understand what happened with this shot.Ralph Waldo Emerson was a famous poet who called the Battle of Lexington the shot heard around the world. Ever heard about the shot that the entire world heard? Well, this one is it. Not because the entire world heard it, but because of the reaction it caused. When the Militia heard the shot, the war began.  

At the end of the day, those who lost were the british cause they lost about 200 men. The Minute Men, who were Americans that had that nickname because of their ability to fight in a minute, were very helpful. They were waiting at Lexington Green to attack. When the shot was fired, which by the way is unknown by whom, the British troops and the Minutemen began to fight. The battles of Lexington had taken away a lot of lives, from the British, and from the colonists as well. There is a memorial of the Minutemen at Concord, Massachusetts for the big gesture of loyalty towards their country.

Declaring Independence

The United States of America celebrates its Independence day the 4th of July.
But, before that day things were not quite pretty as they are today. Back in 1776, colonists decided they wanted a Republican Government, and to unite the colonies. the Declaration of Independence was mostly written by Thomas Paine, who wrote a book called ''Common Sense'' in which he talked about 3 basic points. In this book, he would refer to the King as being parasites, and opened a lot of people's eyes.

The 3 main points Thomas established in his book were:
1. Declare Independence from England
2. Make a Republican-State Government
3. A union of the 13 states into ONE country (by referring to the 13 colonies using the word ''states'')

Thomas Paine could be considered as a hero today. For he declared that the King was the enemy and that one day, to fight for freedom would be the cause of all men kind.
He was the one who stood out and believed they HAD to be independent. Independent from paying unfair taxes, from following the King's orders, and from all the fighting, killing and sorrow this caused. They just wanted to get rid of Britain and make a country with new government systems

One year before this happened, the congress sent ''Olive Branch Petition'' to the king. What they wanted to accomplish by sending this, was peace. Anyone would put themselves on their position, and even in the King's position, and accept it. And even though accepting it was the wisest thing to do; the King rejected it. Not only he rejected the Olive Branch Petition, but he made sure that some troops would go and attack America.

viernes, 1 de febrero de 2013

 Leaders Organize Boycott

In order to control protest activities, 9 colonies showed up in the Stamp Act in October 1769 held in New York City and they all sent their representatives.
Members on the congress did a consumer's boycott of all the goods imported from Britain.
This was also called the ''non-importation agreement'', and it really threatened the British Industry.
colonists found their way to protest the British taxes.

There were 3 tactics the Colonists used in order to protest;

1- Intellectually, Patrick Henry wrote an essay called ''Virginia Resolves'' in which he quoted the following: ''GIVE ME LIBERTY OR GIVE ME DEATH'' and this helped the colonists

2- Economically, they made the non-importation agreements

3- Violently, the colonists tortured the tax collectors and made them fear.

viernes, 25 de enero de 2013

Boston Massacre

The 5 of March of 1770, a group of drunk colonists began to throw rocks and snowballs at some guards. This were the guards who took care of the costume house. The five victims were Sammuel Gray, Crispus Attucks, Patrick Carr, James Cadwell, and Samuel Maverick.  Considered a massacre since the victims could not defend themselves. They also injured six other civilian men. 

Of all the, the most notable was Crispus Attucks. He was a american slave. Also the first to die in the massacre. He has been the theme of many debates for historians. He was one of who lead to the confrontment.

It is said that soldiers where told by their commander they should not shoot. But on that alarming moments a soldier shot. As the sound came out of the gun, some more of the other soldiers too. Soon the attack had taken five lives. Later on, the soldiers were taken to court so they would be punished if their actions where not tolerated.
Boston Tea Party

A 16 of December of 1773 a group of  Massachusetts Patriots got into protest. Supposly this would make the paliment to change the way of taxation. The reason of it was tea. It all was related with the amount and the selected items in which to pay taxes. It all started with the Townshend Act which taxed daily items such as glass, lead, paint, papers, and tea. This was later partially removed except for the tea.

The colonists didn´t agree basically with none of the parliment laws. There was this company named the East India Company who sold the tea cheaper. The Parliment had passed a law that allowed this company to sell directly with the colonists. Still colonist would not buy it. They believed this was a way so parliment would trick them with taxes. 

Three ships came fulled of tea to the Americas. There were exactly 342 chests of tea all together from the ships. Quite a lot right? Well this angy people dressed as native americans. Then threw all the tea to the Boston Harbor. This was called the Tea Party just to have a fun name.

 Tarring and Feathering

Since paying taxes without representation was an issue during the American Revolution, a lot of trouble occurred. Colonists were so upset by the taxes, that they even tortured tax collectors. And that's where the name "tarring and feathering" comes from. Whenever the tax collectors went to colonists home, they wanted to humiliate them and make them stop collecting the taxes. From a material that is like gasoline, (tar) they threw it to the tax collectors.

But that was not it, unfortunately that was not it. After emptying the tar on them, they threw feathers. The humiliation was even bigger with the feathers, and because of the tar, it got stock on them, and they looked like chickens. Colonists were getting what they wanted. The fear of the Tax Collectors, and the denial to collect them.

Tar, and feathers were not enough for this rude colonists. To continue with the torturing, the Colonists made the Tax Collectors drink very hot tea so it burned their throats in the inside. The tax collectors no longer wanted to pick up the tax, because they were afraid. This were the actions of angry patriot mobs who wanted a change. Later on there wasn't no one who would collect taxes.

viernes, 18 de enero de 2013

The Seven Year War
The Seven Year War, also known as the "Indian and French War" happened during 1756 through 1763 in America. Whoever read this title for the first time, would believe it was between France and India, but what happened was that French and Indians got together to fight the British. It started because of the Ohio River dispute. During 1756 and 1757, the French were with the upper hand (winning). In 1758-1759 things changed, and the British were now winning.

As the war continued, the Frenchs started to loose supplies and could no longer maintain the Indians, this caused their splitting. The British started to capture the French. Later in 1760, the British captured Montereal from the French. In 1763, the British succeeded with their plan to gain new lands from the French, and the fighting was over. Later on the Treaty of Paris of 1763 came on.

The terms of the Treaty of Paris were really hard to France and its loss. It was signed by Britain, Spain and France. Canada was now on own of Britain as well a part of Mississippi and Florida. The British received Quebec and the victory. This meant loosing all the land for so many years they had owned.

viernes, 11 de enero de 2013

About Us

This blog is created by Daniela and Eileen Hernandez for our US History Class.
Our purpose in the blog will be to inform you about what we've learned from our teacher, Ms. Touche, which is the reason why this blog is created in first place.