viernes, 8 de febrero de 2013

John Adams
He is one of the characters who plays an important role in the American RevolutionBorn on October 30, of 1735 in Massachusetts. Said to be a descendent of a puritian family. One of his six children, John Quincy, later becamed the sixth president of the United States following his trace. His wife, Abigail Smith supported him and even involucrated with politics. In his early years his was a farmer and served the militia before getting involved in politics. Through history he is well seen many times. Even his small efforts, for example when he deffended the soldiers who killed five persons in the Boston Massacre on March of 1770. He wanted all the britishs and colonist to have fair trials. Also was included in both Continental Congresses in 1774 and 1775 as delegate from Massachusetts. 

Nominated George Washington to be president of the United States of America after the Revolutionary War thinking South and North would agree with it. He assisted Thomas Jefferson in drafting the Declaration of Independence in 1776 and helped getting peace from Britain. In 1780 he wrote the Massachusetts Constitution. He was also the second president, after George Washington in 1796 winning with a difference of 3 votes only. He had Thomas Jefferson as his vice president but on that time the election system was different. The person with more votes was elected as the president and the second with more voted as the vice president.  

Adams was tried for re-election but this time lost with Thomas Jefferson. Later fixed his friendship with Jefferson. Then camed the Alien and Sedition Acts passed in John Adams government in 1798. These acts were not liked because it lead to arrests. Then Jefferson and James Madison wrote the Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions against them. This were repeled because it didn´t work. It is said that the Alien and Sedition Acts made him loose his re-election. Adams died in Quincy, Massachusetts on the fiftieth anniversary of American Independence, on July 4, of 1826 at his home. They say his last words were "Thomas Jefferson survives".

"I must study politics and war that my sons may have liberty to study mathematics and philosophy".

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